Our Science
Our research aims to synthesise and test novel bioactive heterocycles and medicinal boron compounds and to develop novel antibiotic strategies as well as more efficient, eco-friendly methodologies.

Our Group
Our research group is comprised of dynamic and innovative scientists with a large collaboration network. We consistently offer opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students to join our research team and scientific endeavour.

Our Story
As every successful venture, we have also started from scratch. Our grassroot efforts have grown into a flourishing field of talented researchers. And we have no intentions of slowing down.

Our Collaboration
In collaboration we believe! Science is more productive when done in combined effort. Currently, we have several ongoing collaborations with numerous research group in Finland.

Our Funding
Little science can be done without funding. Thus, we are immensely thankful for each and every of the Institutions and Societies who continue to make our research possible.