Metabolism of Coumarins

Metabolic studies of coumarins has been a long in the interests of the PI. Finally, in the year 2017 we found a collaboration and started to carry out collaborative studies with Professor Risto Juvonen (Toxicology, UEF). One of the main route of coumarin metabolism is the oxidative metabolism by cytochrome P450 (CYP450) -enzymes. Professor Juvonen and his group has done metabolic research of coumarins for years and the collaboration has opend new opportunities to study metabolism of a wide variety of substituted coumarins.

Our first publication in the field of metabolism was published in 2019.[1] The major findings were that different mamlian species have different pathways of metabolism and that coumarins are also partially glucuronidated during the metabolism.

More recently, in 2020 we published results of sulphonation of 14 different 7-hydroxycoumarins. [2] In the article we reported fluorecence-based methid to determine the sulphonation and showed species dependence in the sulphonation rate.

[1] Juvonen, et al. (2019)., Planta medica, 85(6), 453-464.
[2] Juvonen, et al. (2020)., Xenobiotica, (just-accepted), 1-22.