Anna Olkkonen, a BSc from the School of biomedicine (University of Eastern Finland) started recently her MSc thesis in our research group. Her thesis focuses in the computational study of TRPA1 attenuators. During the summer, she will build model of TRPA1 ion channel, study the different binding sites and predict the different binding modes for...
Tag: Molecular Modeling
A Cover story published!
Our recent reviev article “Recent Advances on Molecular Modeling Studies of Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1” published in Medicine Research wasselected for the journal’s 2021 #1 issue covre story. The review article writen by MSc. Carita Sallomy, Adj Prof Maija Lahtela-Kakkonen and Dr. Juri Timonen is the first literature review of different computtional studies of...
Congratulations for the funding Carita!
The Björkqvist foundation has awarded FM Carita Sallomy a study grant for her Docotral thesis. The Björkqvist Foundation is a local foundation that fumds resaearchers from Kangasala. The grant was awarded for Sallomy’s studoes that are aiming to identify the binding site of stilbenoid-like TRPA1 antagonists and utilize this knowledge into the design of novel...
Welcome to the group, Satu!
Our newest MSc studnet, Satu Rotso-Liuttu has recently started her Master thesis study in Pharmacy. BSc Rotso-Liuttu is carrying out studies on computational drug design aiming to TRPA1 attenuators. The studies carried out in her MSc thesis are aiming to shed light into the binding of stilbenoids and stilbenoids like molecules into the TRPA1 protein....